Thursday, January 15, 2009

Regular Meeting
NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency), Pacific Marine Center on Lake Union
1801 Fairview Avenue East
Thursday, January 22, 2009


Futurewise OR Unwise Future?
featuring John Fox, Seattle Displacement Coalition

Futurewise, a statewide land use and environmental planning group, (formerly called 1,000 Friends of Washington), has proposed state legislation that would essentially force cities in the Puget Sound region to create Transit Oriented Development (TOD) areas at every transit station along a rail or bus rapid-transit route and upzone all the land within a half-mile radius of those stations. In its current form, the bill would require 50 housing units per acre in these areas. The bill's impacts would be most immediate in southeast Seattle, but over the long term, it also affects Capitol Hill, the University District, Roosevelt and Northgate, where rail extensions are planned. Come to the meeting and learn the facts from community leader John Fox.

The January meeting will also include our monthly Round Robin of issues and projects in your neighborhood. It is your opportunity to brief our citywide membership about what you are working on and to share perceptions on what is going right and what isn't with our city government.

If you have informational materials you would like distributed at the meeting, please email electronic copies or links to Jeannie Hale at

7:00 Call to Order and Introductions


1. Changes to the agenda
2. Treasurer's report
3. President's report

7:15 Futurewise or Unwise Future?: John Fox, Seattle Displacement Coalition

8:00 Round Robin
1. SR 520—Supplemental EIS
2. Proposal to Rename the West Seattle Bridge in honor of former Councilmember Jeanette Williams
3. Other issues/projects

9:00 Adjourn

NOAA is a federal facility on high security alert, so attendees must enter by the security gate and may need to present photo ID. If you haven't attended a recent Federation meeting, please send your name, contact information, and address to to be added to the entry list. No e-mail? Call 206-365-1267. The building is ADA compliant, with ample parking in front.

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