Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Regular Meeting
NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency), Pacific Marine Center on Lake Union
1801 Fairview Avenue East
Thursday, July 23, 2009


A Dialogue with Parks Superintendent Tim Gallagher

Seattle Parks and Recreation is committed to maintaining safe and welcoming environments and offering programming and services that are relevant neighbors. So, how is the Parks Department doing? Are the needs of your community being addressed? Is the Department responsive to your concerns regarding the many issues that arise? The Department’s Strategic Action Plan establishes a vision and guide for decision-making for a five-year period. How is it working? How are things progressing with passage of the 2008 Parks and Green Spaces Levy? Is the synthetic turf policy appropriate for our parks? These are a sampling of the issues that will be addressed with featured guest Parks Superintendent Tim Gallagher at the July Federation meeting.

The July meeting will also include our monthly Round Robin of issues and projects in your neighborhood. It is your opportunity to brief our citywide membership about what you are working on and to share perceptions on what is going right and what isn’t with our city government.

If you have informational materials you would like distributed at the meeting, please email electronic copies or links to Jeannie Hale at jeannieh@serv.net.

7:00 Call to Order and Introductions

1. Changes to the agenda
2. Treasurer’s report
3. President’s report

7:15 Round Robin
1. Neighborhood Planning Advisory Committee—Update
2. Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendments—Update
3. Should the Federation take a position on the Housing Levy?
4. Other issues/projects

8:00 A Dialogue with Parks Superintendent Tim Gallagher

9:00 Adjourn

NOAA is a federal facility on high security alert, so attendees must enter by the security gate and may need to present photo ID. If you haven't attended a recent Federation meeting, please send your name, contact information, and address to rickbarrett@gmail.com to be added to the entry list. No e-mail? Call 206-365-1267. The building is ADA compliant, with ample parking in front.

1 comment:

  1. It is your opportunity to brief our citywide membership about what you are working on and to share perceptions on what is going right and what isn’t with our city government.

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