Monday, June 22, 2009

Our May meeting agreed unanimously to accept the very generous offer of Dr. Glover Barnes to host our annual summer potluck at his home, 3415 S McClellan St, Seattle 98144 on Saturday, August 8th, 3 to 5 p.m.
Everyone is welcome.
Here’s a map.

Letter to the Editor
"Since I wrote to you this morning I have had a chance to read the draft [DADU] ordinance http//www/ I believe that the SCCF might be incorrect in stating a few of the facts mentioned in your meeting minutes. It looks to me like the property owner is required to live on site when renting out a DADU and that a total of 8 people can be living on the property and the City will allow 50 permits per year (citywide) for new and/or conversion DADU's. Have you read the draft ordinance? I admit that I read it rather quickly and could have missed or misunderstood sections. I'd really appreciate your take on this whole DADU issue." May 14, 2009.
Editor's response: It's wise to consult the original document; the document speaks for itself. Sometimes, summaries differ from the text. Our newsletter tries to accurately report statements at a meeting.
A statement may err, the reporter may misunderstand or make errors in transcribing, or a shortage of space may result in too much editing.
Letters are welcome.

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