Tuesday, February 3, 2009

THE RAINIER VALLEY POST: Will you be impacted by TOD? Check our maps

THE RAINIER VALLEY POST: Will you be impacted by TOD? Check our maps

As Light Rail expands northward similar TODs will appear in north Seattle Neighborhoods. Meanwhile FutureWise is hoping to push HB 1490 and SB 5687 through the legislature this week, before most Seattle citizens have even heard of these two bills, which completely remove local control of zoning and mandate a minimum of 50 dwelling units per acre.
Each bill contains an identical New Section 9, added to chapter 36. 70A RCW that mandates "...all comprehensive plans and development regulations adopted under this chapter must authorize transit oriented development within one-half mile of a major transit station. The allowed net density for these transit oriented development areas must be fifty dwelling units per acre."

Go to http://apps.leg.wa.gov/DistrictFinder/Default.aspx to contact your legislators to tell them to defeat these social engineering bills. Do this today, tomorrow may be too late.

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